Supersize Me! Gone are the days of one size fits all. You can now buy tiles in a huge range of sizes from tiny mosaics 5mm square to porcelain sheets as large as 3 metres x 1.5 metres. The choice is bigger than ever before which, although may seem overwhelming at first, creates a great deal of different design and practical solutions for any project.

One of the most useful applications of these sheets is in wet areas. If you are redesigning or installing a new bathroom you could opt to have the walls tiled in large porcelain sheets. Just imagine a shower tiled using just three tiles! If you are not a fan of grout then these could be a really good option for you.
There are a number of different colours and designs now available in 2.4 by 1.2 metre slabs making them ideal for cladding a standard height wall.
In the example to the left only two tiles were required which the skilled fitters at Naos had to cut to fit the irregular shape of the beamed ceiling!
Initial outlay can be more for these supersized giants although this is often recouped in savings on time re labour and the reduction in future maintenance due to the minimising of joints and therefore grout lines.
So if you like clean lines and a streamlined look, large slabs could be the way to go. Call in to the Naos showroom to see some examples of these supersize materials and to really experience their full impact.